Something New

Ibrahim gabriel moaty
Promptly Written
Published in
3 min readJan 13, 2023


A poem about you

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

Every time we meet I notice something new about you
You think to yourself that’s something only a similar soul can notice or do
something that makes two strangers feel like they know each other
bringing them closer, you try to figure out why and how but then think why bother

You tell yourself that it’s not something special or new
Every time we meet I notice something new about you
This is the truth you’ve been feeling, a simple truth like morning dew
That sentence repeats itself in your thoughts many times not a few

On repeat, in my head, echoes “ New about you” ever since that night
Then after that night and onwards it was “Eureka, it’s you”
that night my head was “ I want to drink and sing tonight”
fate laughed at me and my thoughts of “You, her, pursue”

Every time we meet I notice something new about you
I notice how your face transforms and abides by your emotions
A living emoji, no need for the internet, it’s true
Teaching us that a world not felt fully is devoid of meaning

True people’s faces show what they want before their words
Every time I see you, I see something new
I discovered your intelligence when you joined our circle of birds
tweeting the best of all burns, one of the many few

Photo by Elizabeth Tsung on Unsplash

Every time I see you, I see something new
The shows I like you do too
and the things I thought vices are not for you
they are cute things that you’re into

Every time I see you, I see something new
I can be weird around you, we suddenly become two
Your eyes grow happy every time they see me
maybe it’s from weed, i don’t want to argue or disagree

Every time I see you, I see something new
I see how much you care but not for me
not in the way I would’ve wanted to
but still i am happy, as through you, i got to know people like me

Every time I see you, I see something new
I don’t get bored or wish I'd be somewhere else
Maybe an actress is all you are
maybe that’s all I need to find for me

Everyone is afraid, everyone is a liar, except an Actor
We all play roles but we think we’re not, but they are true
They enjoy being all, everything, and nothing and don’t bother
We, those who are not, pretend to be what we’re not, but you’re just you.

Photo by Gian Cescon on Unsplash

I appreciate that and to be honest that’s what I love about you
Every time I see you, I see something new
I haven’t seen you enough to have more thoughts on the matter
For advice I'll consult and discuss with my other Gemini selves and chatter

Every time I see you, I see something new
For now, Bye Bye to me and to you too.

By Ibrahim Gabriel Moaty

This poem was inspired by the following prompt in the monthly prompts ideas section ; Write a poem, essay, or piece of fiction based on this line, “I notice something new about you every time we meet.” Ravyne Hawke

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Ibrahim gabriel moaty
Promptly Written

I am Passionate about economy, politics, trading, investing, history, literature & more. Sharing my insights on Medium.