Spiritual Prompt for the Week of May 8th through 15th

Multiple choices to spark your spiritual creativity regarding what spirituality means to you — atheists and agnostics please participate

Marcus aka Gregory Maidman
Promptly Written


Photo by Good Free Photos on Unsplash


Here are a few quotes/definitions/thoughts regarding spirituality. Create an essay or fiction or poem inspired by any or all or a combination of them:

  • “We just can’t stay in the kingdom of ideas, knowledge has to be incarnated to exist. We need to be involved in the affairs of the world otherwise the vacancy is dangerous and may be used by malevolents. This is why I don’t like the word Spirituality, this word is a way to park us in the domain of the spiritual only and leave the space for beings with hidden agendas. Those who don’t live their values are liars, cheaters and demagogues, they don’t represent us, we need to incarnate our values and give power to real representatives.” — Jean Carfantan (sorry Jean I don’t have a record of which piece of yours it’s from)
  • “Being religious involves having faith in God (however named and defined) and signing up to a basic set of beliefs — technically a credo — that define what a worshipper needs to accept to become a member of that religious community. In contrast, being spiritual is experientially focused



Marcus aka Gregory Maidman
Promptly Written

Living 17,043rd human life. I am Marcus (universal name) or you may call me Greg; a deep thinker; an explorer of ideas and the mind.