Spiritual Prompts for the Week of June 12th-18th

I’d like to share my and hear your thoughts on acceptance

Marcus aka Gregory Maidman
Promptly Written


26402525 by jomaplaon licensed from depositphotos.com

Wow, the contents of that feature image have thrown me for a bit of a loop. As I embarked on the journey to create this prompt, I knew that the word acceptance has several definitions and can mean many different things to many people and that even one person can ascribe varying import (meaning meaning) to the word depending on context. I experienced mild surprise when I looked up the word in my favorite dictionary¹ and found only five definitions for the verb (to accept)² and four definitions for the noun (acceptance).³ Moreover, given how people widely accept acceptance as a spiritual concept, I found it interesting how few of those definitions apply to the spiritual nature of the word and its practice. However, after consulting the dictionary, when I then searched for a feature image before starting to write, seeing that image with its 90 synonyms for acceptance has caused the mighty mousey plans of this man to stray slightly and issue this initial prompt herein:

Write an essay or poem inspired by your reaction to the feature image.

Now I shall steer this ship back to its intended course.

I believe that 12-step programs leave much to be desired and have much space in which to improve and



Marcus aka Gregory Maidman
Promptly Written

Living 17,043rd human life. I am Marcus (universal name) or you may call me Greg; a deep thinker; an explorer of ideas and the mind.