Submission Guidelines

How to submit your work to Promptly Written

Ravyne Hawke
Promptly Written
3 min readSep 29, 2021


Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

NOTE: We have updated our guidelines, please read them here and ask to be added as a writer:

Greetings travelers and welcome to Promptly Written. This is a one-stop shop for all things Promptilicious! Pull up a stool to the bar and check out the menu. I offer daily, weekly and monthly specials to tantalize your muse.

The HowTos

Want a prompt? Feel free to choose from poetry, fiction, essay, and article prompts. Each day I will feature a poetry and fiction prompt. Each week prompts for essays, creative non-fiction and articles will be featured. And monthly, I will offer theme prompts. You decide which ones you want to use and you can post them here on Promptly Written or anywhere else you desire. There’s just one catch (isn’t there always?) — All I ask is for you to tag ME at the end of your piece so I can come read your work. To tag me, simply use the @ sign plus my name Ravyne Hawke.


The Guidelines

  1. If you choose to submit your work here, please tag your work appropriately — #Poetry for poetry submissions, #Fiction for all fiction pieces up to 1000 words, #Essay for personal essays and creative non-fiction, and #Articles for articles and Op-Eds. You get to choose whatever tags you want for the other 4 tags. Please do not use #pwprompt. That prompt is designated solely for my prompts. You may use #prompt as an additional tag. This tagging is so that your work falls into one of the navigation tabs on the homepage. If you submit a piece without appropriate tags, I reserve the right as editor to change one tag for navigation purposes.
  2. As Editor, I will check your work for correct placement of Title & Subtitle, for proper citation of photos, and for grammar, spelling and punctuation. I will always leave you a private note about such things. For creative purposes, I will NOT change your work. It will be up to you to make changes as you see fit and resubmit your work. NOTE: I am adopting the guidelines that Dr Mehmet Yildiz uses on his own publications for Photos and Copyright issues. Please read it carefully and act appropriately.
  3. I will not tolerate hate speech on this publication. This includes political, religious, racial and cultural discrimination. I will reject any pieces of writing that violate this and will remove anyone who violates this in comments. Play nice and be kind.
  4. Erotica is acceptable here. I will reserve the right to reject any Erotica that is too graphic or denigrating. Erotica does not equate Hard-Core Porno.
  5. Please submit no more than (2) two pieces of writing per day.
  6. I operate in the United States on Central Time Zone. Submissions will be published during the hours of 9:00 pm-11:00 am. Please use this converter to figure out what hours these are in your own time zone. If there is to be a delay in publishing, I will leave you a private note to let you know when your work is scheduled to be published.
  7. To become a writer, please leave a comment below and I will add you ASAP.

That’s all the guidelines I have at this moment. I reserve the right to make changes to said guidelines in the future as needed. I look forward to tempting your muses with delicious prompts.

Ravyne Hawke, Editor

Latest update on 10/5/21



Ravyne Hawke
Promptly Written

Writing Coach, Poet, Fiction Writer, Essayist, Artist, Dreamer | “Enlightenment is when a wave realizes it is the Ocean” ~Thich Nhat Hanh