Summer Sky

Violet Poetry Challenge

Suzanne Pisano
Promptly Written
Dec 21, 2021


Manasquan Inlet, NJ. Photo by the author.

Mother Nature coming through on a gloomy summer’s day
Pillowing the sky with puffs of violet, blue and gray
Casting rose-golden hues across the gently rocking river
A vivid evening vista only she can deliver

Without the leaden clouds reflecting rays of setting sun
We wouldn’t have this dazzling display when day is done
This eyeful of radiance, this visual embrace
This sweet bite of brilliance that we can almost taste

Like the clouds in our lives that darken the horizon
Filter rays of fiery strength as our inner sun is rising
We blaze across the heavens in a smear of molten hues
Reaching for the stars in the wild, wild blue



Suzanne Pisano
Promptly Written

Writer. Singer. Jersey girl. Personal essays and poetry. Humor when the mood strikes. Editor for The Memoirist and Age of Empathy.