Tear Up That Script

Your life is your masterpiece, here for the writing.

Charly Chow
Promptly Written
1 min readJul 10, 2023


Youniverse of Possibility, original artwork by Charly Chow.

What script did they hand you love?
Did they tell you to be quiet,
to colour within their lines?

Did they tell you to mask up, shape up,
that you needed to fit
their neat little definition of value?

Did they tell you what to wear?
Where to sit?
Who to be friends with?

Did they tell you that you couldn’t?
That you shouldn’t?
That they wouldn’t?

Right now. THIS is the moment.

Take that script and tear it into a thousand pieces.
Scatter the pieces to the wind.

Or write over it, with power and purpose.
Reframe it into a beautiful becoming.

Your life is not someone else’s to script.
It is your masterpiece, here for the writing.

You can.
You are.
You matter.

This piece was written in response to a Twitter writing prompt for #SymphAndJules word of the day: Script #WritingPrompt



Charly Chow
Promptly Written

Charly Chow is a neurodivergent poet, spoken word artist and storyteller from London, UK. You can find her on Twitter &Instagram: @whatcharlywrote