Tembo Still Does Tricks

Response for the Triple Centina Writing Challenge

Kimberly Hampton Nilsson
Promptly Written


Photo by Craig Stevenson on Unsplash

“Tembo, you still the biggest, best smellin’ bull around. You sure got a way about you. Them other fellas don’t even get a chance! They’re a spoiled rambunctious bunch of brats.

Best get on with it! Climb up on me. I am as ready as I’ll ever be. Maybe this time we’ll get lucky. I’d just love another daughter. Where’d you learn to be so charming?

You know, we girls have a limited choice in this zoo park. Life is nothin’ as I remember, roamin’ endlessly over the savannas of East Africa.

Tembo, those visitors! They sure are starin’ today.”

Photo by Cristofer Maximilian on Unsplash

“Oh my God! Honey! He is giganticus!

Did you see his thing, nearly touching the ground?

They say the males can smell chemicals in the female’s urine, telling when she is fertile. But, that the ole bull has to be in musth, making him attractive to the ladies, and in aggressive pursuit. All others stay clear!

Do you think they mind us watching? I guess, they are not thinking about us, but I’m glad we are on the other side of this big fence.

