The Art Of Heartbreak


Umaima Irfan
Promptly Written
2 min readJun 17, 2024


Photo by Eric Ward on Unsplash

Oh, love’s sweet nectar, once so divine,
Now turned to gall, a bitter wine.
our once bright flame, now cold and dim,
Leaves me shattered, shattered within.

With every beat, my heart does ache,
A mournful dirge, words cannot fake.
The shards of us, once whole and grand,
Now scattered remnants, spread across the land.

The memories we shared, once dear and bright,
Are now a torment, a cruel blight.
Your laughter’s echo haunts my dreams,
A constant reminder of what once gleamed.

I search for solace in the night’s embrace,
But find no comfort, only heartache’s trace.
The darkness whispers secrets of despair,
As if to mock my shattered prayers.

The art of heartbreak, a cruel charade,
A symphony of pain, a cruel masquerade.
It shatters dreams, destroys belief,
Leaving only emptiness and boundless grief.

I long for the day when pain will cease,
When memories fade and heartache finds release.
But now, I wander lost in a sea of woe,
A broken vessel, adrift and low.

The art of heartbreak, a cruel design,
A twisted tapestry, an endless line.
But from the ashes, I will rise again,
Though shattered, I will mend, though pain will remain.

For in the depths of sorrow, I find might,
A strength within, a flickering light.
I will embrace the broken pieces of my soul,
And forge from pain, a story to be told.

