The Buzzard

Nature’s artistry on display

Promptly Written


Photo by Vincent van Zalinge on Unsplash

I sit upon the rolling Downs
With valleys deep and heights as crowns
When from the south way up on high
A regal flight catches my eye

A buzzard enters on the scene
It swoops down low, its flight serene
Then gliding up, higher, higher
Beauty is this master flier

Wings spread out over all below
Flying display, exquisite show
To guide and steer tan tail fanned out
It twists and turns and wheels about

Swooping, gliding, rising, falling
Aerobatics, speeding, stalling
Up and down and around it flows
Graceful, regal, in all its throws

Then in an instant, stops mid-flight
Hovers, suspended, awesome sight
Surveys below, fixes its prey
Wings back, dives down, full speed to slay

Alas, dive failed, no prize this run
Climbs once more, back toward the sun
Once more above it soars on high
With ease it glides across the sky

Finding joy in local nature so thanks to Ravyne Hawke’s:



Promptly Written

Observational writer describing things I see, having a bit of fun writing poetry.