The Chase

Response for the Triple Centina Writing Challenge

Amanda Gravely
Promptly Written


Photo by Pedro Paredes on Unsplash

Alice raced through the woods, dodging briers and low-hanging branches. The man was still right behind her and gaining ground. She wasn’t fast enough to escape.

She gasped as a thorn tore through her sleeve and pierced her skin, but she refused to slow down, refused to give up without a fight. Her lungs burned with the need for oxygen, and her legs begged for relief. She followed the trail for as long as she dared, then swung left into the woods. The man raced past, and she blew out her breath in relief. She was safe, for now.

Mark’s feet pounded against the hard ground as he chased after Alice. He couldn’t let her get away, not this time. The trail twisted and turned through the woods, making it hard for him to keep a constant eye on where she was.

She rounded a corner, and he lost sight of her, but he knew he would see her the moment he turned. His heart jolted in his chest when there was no sign of her on the path. His legs carried him a few more feet before he stopped to look around. Nothing. She had outsmarted him again.

Squirrel looked on in amusement as the two humans raced through the trees, one chasing after the other. The girl ran as if trying to escape from a dangerous predator, but the boy looked harmless to Squirrel. No sharp…



Amanda Gravely
Promptly Written

I am a multi genre author writing mostly romance, fantasy, and sci-fi.