The Chin

A 100-word story for the Nov. 4 fiction prompt

Promptly Written
Nov 4, 2021


Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay

I hadn’t seen Reece since we graduated high school ten years ago. I recognized his beady eyes right away, and the way he moved, languidly pushing a loaded cart through Wal-Mart. But something was off.

His chin. It jutted out, goat-like.

“Hi, Reece! How are you?”

“Been doing real good,” but his chin said otherwise.

How do you ask about someone’s enormous chin? I couldn’t do it, but I also couldn’t keep from staring at it through our brief conversation.

Maybe he should grow a beard?

“Been nice seeing you,” he said.

“Yeah, you too,” I said to his chin.

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Promptly Written

high school English teacher, cat nerd, owner of Grading with Crayon, and author of Biddleborn.