The Cracks Let the Light In

Hard work is indispensable

Priyanka Sinha
Promptly Written
3 min readApr 28, 2024


This quote by Leonard Cohen is the prompt (pic

Recently I caught up with a college friend after a long & we had a good laugh when the chat made its way to the yesteryear anecdotes — when we used to queue up to avail students’ concession on train tickets while heading home, soot from the coal engines smearing our faces till we reached home — 2 trains & 4 days later of sleeper classes, share auto fares and bills split wherever possible. None of it was asked by parents but our own decisions.

Our parents could afford the private college fees yet we knew that the money was hard-earned.

Fast forward & the story moved to our teenage kids. As she whined about hers — though being brilliant at studies & sports, a comfort monger! Prefers a taxi/car no public transport, wants shirts pressed, shoes polished, flights only no trains kid. I smirked & let out a sigh of relief! I’m not alone, that was my story last year.

Our kids' conduct is a far cry from our modest ways.

So, how have we come to this?

The Indian middle-class mentality has pretty much remained the same ambition-wise. Kids should be doctors or engineers, but no more a slogging father single-handedly managing the finances of a big family. Joint families are extinct, and nuclear families are shrinking in size, too.

Now, it’s all about double incomes & 1–2 kids. Highly educated parents, both working & 1 sibling if at all. The combo has led to a generation that’s cocooned in a shell with its iPhone & iPods. We’re gifting before they’re asking, everything at the click of a finger. Love is in the garb of mollycoddling & materialism.

My son was equally bubble-wrapped. Though I was more at fault for it. When it was time for him to leave home I panicked at his naivety. The big, bad world in a few years! How long can we keep them protected from the hardships of life?

An eye opener situation led to some decisions.

Though there were AC rooms & single-seaters, we knew it was now or never! We would’ve relented earlier but chose otherwise now.

Shared bathrooms, non-AC rooms, walking long distances within the campus at 40°C, mosquito menace, mess food, laundry, clean ups were too much to handle! Since everything had been served so far. All this while an overload of studies. Friends & freedom were little solace.

Getting into college was biting into reality. It took time for him to adjust to the grind.

After months of ranting, complaining & counselling he’s sort of accepted it all & hopefully better equipped to handle things.

So, live not just a comfortable life but a luxurious one by all means — Our blessings are with you, but pave your path & claim the life you want & deserve on your own!


Toil in the sun till cracks peek through, cause that’s how the light gets in!

Thank you Ravyne Hawke and Bella Smith ⭐ for wonderful prompts.

This is the link to the week’s prompts—



Priyanka Sinha
Promptly Written

Hi ! I am Priyanka from India 🙏 A dentist by education, a wife & mom to 3 boys . "Magic of mundane" That's what I call my write ups, tales & tussles as I see