The Dance

Movement, sweat, rhythm, elation — desire

Ember Forrest
Promptly Written
1 min readMar 16, 2022


The fire smoldered and crackled. Skin glowed and teeth gleamed white. They moved rhythmically. Fast, slow, feeling the beat of the drum pounding and echoing through bodies. Black, brown, blue and red streaks painted golden skin as intricate designs twisted and turned. Hot and cold met between the black wood and glowing flame, and energy flowed like a golden river between passion, connection, and desire. Glimmering in the fire glow, pairs of eyes glared, rolled, darted, and shut again. Hypnotized by the Divine euphoria moved; a cacophony of howling, panting, singing and screaming songs of ecstasy filled the night air, echoing across the vast mountainside and through the dark wood. An ancient rhythm pulsed through bodies, filling lungs and moving lips to both silent and loud prayer, turning heads toward the giant moon that glowed brightly in blood. Red hot primal energy coursed through veins; compelling, mesmerizing, orgasmic. Inward. Outward. Upward. Downward. Surrendering to a trance they shifted their feet and moved their hips, stretching high and running their fingers through their hair and across their bare, artistically stunning bodies.

They danced, making love with the music and the earth and her elements all through the night…



Ember Forrest
Promptly Written

Poet, painter, rebel, story writer, voice of the troubled, dark, and strange. Aspiring screenwriter. Meet my characters and take a journey into their worlds.