The Key To Sadness

Star Love Grey
Promptly Written
3 min readApr 5, 2022


Image: Dean Drobot via Canva ~ Created by Star Love Grey

The beautiful gold music box Max gave me today started playing our song, ‘All of Me’. I closed my eyes to listen, but I knew I must write my story for today in my diary immediately. If I wait too long, it may no longer be real. I opened my eyes right back up and grabbed my diary sitting next to the music box under my favorite old oak tree in this amazing park.

I removed, but struggled with the keyring I have in my new music box. Trying to find the correct key on the keyring to open my diary, I inserted the wrong key and broke the lock. I couldn’t worry about that at the moment, because I knew I must write about our love on today’s dated page.

DATE: Monday, April 4, 2022

“I found him! I found the love of my life! I LOVE MAX! He asked me to marry him!

I sighed with relief. I know it was a silly superstition, but there they were… my words of love now securely penned and could never be erased!

Happy and excited, I ran home very fast to tell my Mom. I quickly flew up the porch steps clumsily knocking over a table with a kerosene lamp and other antiques on the porch that her father left her after his death last year. Grateful that nothing broke, I hurried inside.

“Mom,” I screamed, running into the kitchen. “I love him… I love him!”.

“Yes, Star, I know you love Sam. What happened?”.

“No, Mom… not Sam! I met someone else and haven’t even told you about him.”.

“His name is Max and I’ve been seeing him secretly for about a month. It’s been so difficult hiding it from you… and Sam! I wrote it in my diary after he asked me to marry him in the park today. Look! I wrote in it right away, just like you taught me. Remember? You told me to write my dreams in it as soon as I could so they’ll come true! Let me get it and show you!”

After searching everywhere including the porch, I came back inside and asked, “Mom, have you seen my Diary?”.

“No, Star. You had nothing with you when you ran into the kitchen,” she said.

“The tree,” I screamed. “I left it under that old oak tree! I’ll go get it and be right back!”

I ran to the front door, but when I reached for the door knob, Sam was just standing there holding my diary and it wasn’t locked. I had broken it! In fact it was open to today’s page.

He looked at me with a cold, dead stare. His face told me he had read it.

“You left this in the park, Star,” he said with tear-filled eyes barely able to complete the sentence.

“Sam…,” I started to say, but he simply turned and walked away.

This is my response to prompt Christine Graves’s prompt These Three Things over at Ravyne Hawke’s Promptly Written.

These Three Things
Create a piece around these three objects
A keyring, a music box, a kerosene lamp



Star Love Grey
Promptly Written

I am the opened Pandora’s Box. Actress/Singer/Dancer, Writer, Poet. I’ll write any genre if it holds still long enough. Other boring stuff, but I’ll run out of