The Fallen Hour

Promptly Written
Published in
2 min readNov 6, 2021

A series of short stories “The Dots”

image by the author

The moon was so full and furious sometimes at night, why? Alice thought irritably. She was looking at the clock anxiously and biting her nails in anxiety. It was a scary and windy night with the howling of the unknown. Tree’s long branches were like claws of the unseen coming towards her.

She remembered his words so clearly, "I will come back for you next year, same time Alice. You have to come with me and we will rule the kingdom of hell. We will have our prince there too."

The clock struck 12 a.m midnight sharp that night. At the same vicious moment, Alice heard a soft knock at the door. She put a hand on her mouth to stop her breathing. She didn’t want him to smell her breath. He was there to take her to hell.

She was almost shaking with fear when another knock was there for the second time. A little harder and noisier than before.

"Alice are you okay? Good night sweetheart. I just came to check because you were behaving strangely from the evening," Mrs. Robert yelled from outside the door.

Alice suddenly started breathing again, when she heard her mother’s voice. She finally realized it was just a bad dream. She opened her eyes and looked in the darkness of the room. Everything was in its place and he was not there. She started smiling at her scary fictional thoughts.

Then, suddenly she was touched from behind by a strong big hand with curly black nails. The same voice whispered, "Alice my dear, it’s time to go."




Promptly Written

hi everyone, I am a writer and a painter. I write poetry, short stories and my broken thoughts as well to understand and discover life.