The incomplete love story

Series of short stories “The Dots”

Promptly Written
3 min readDec 20, 2021


Image by the author

It was the time of basically no-time dimension. God was creating extraordinary creations out of love. When God created "Intelligence", then he invited all the beings of the universe to see him through his new creation. All the beings were invited to witness the new creation of ‘Intelligence’. When everyone was in the court of love. Then God smiled and said, "This is my new creation of ‘Intelligence’. Who is ready to enjoy this gift and responsibility ?"

Angels asked, "Our dear Lord, this gift is also a responsibility, there must be consequences in case of not fulfilling it?"

God said, "My dear beings, this is the latest computer chip of all times of infinity. The race with this chip will be able to do miracles like mine. It is not only a machine of wisdom but also will make you recognize me and the path of love." All beings got fascinated and scared, so they stayed quiet. Then the man came forward out of love and ignorance and said to God, "My dear lord, give this gift of intelligence and wisdom to me. I will take care of your supreme creation and I also promise to find you through this blessing ."

God smiled. “Ok take it Man, but do not forget the purpose of this blessing. This machine of "Intellectual Intelligence" is created to guide you, so you do not stray away from me. I have created this beauty of mind, so it will be easy for you to find me if you want to meet me in your test life. Even if you get lost, the Intelligence will surely show you the signs inside and outside you. So it will accommodate you to reach me, recognize me, love me, and come back to me."

Man became very excited and happy that day. Out of ignorance he underestimated his job and overestimated himself in joy and love. He accepted the key of "Intellectual Intelligence" and promised to use it as it should be. The man started his journey and test with the gifts of God. He was brave to accept the responsibility, though all other beings backed off because it was too frightening for them.

"This is how the story of love and search for God started Adam." Jhon was sitting in his small cottage, narrating the story to Adam. Adam was confused and depressed from this short purposeless life and came for help from his teacher and friend."So this life is an incomplete love story, my friend, try to conceive the whole story. Think, look, search and inquire for the truth and do not repeat the same mistake," Jhon said again. He stopped and got up when he heard a knock on the door in the middle of the night.




Promptly Written

hi everyone, I am a writer and a painter. I write poetry, short stories and my broken thoughts as well to understand and discover life.