The Last Text

What will happen next?

Alyse Rowe
Promptly Written
2 min readJun 28, 2022


Photo by From Pexels
Photo by From Pexels

Cell phones have become a way of the future. Everyone is on them; everyone has one. The more expensive your phone, the more superior you are in your own world. Cell phones can make or break you.

Alison has just finished making her first coffee of the morning. Most mornings are a 2 coffee kind of day. The first one gets you going, and the second sustains you until you get home from work.

Alison does not particularly leave her house for work. She is an author. Working on her debut novel, quit her job as a Nurse and decided a considerable change was in order. Packing up, she recently moved her whole life into a small one-bedroom unit down in Queenstown, New Zealand. She really needed to punch out this novel with a limited amount of savings.


Alison pulls out her new iPhone 13, and an iMessage appears on the screen.

A random number that’s odd.

“I know what you did. You will not be able to hide from me… I will make sure the world knows you are guilty.”

Alison’s heart drops, she had the same feeling when she dropped her iPhone last week. The dread, how did this person get her number? Better yet… Who is this person?

What did she do? Racking her brain, trying to figure out what situation they are referring to.

No one knows what she has done. It was literally buried in the garden of her old house.



Alyse Rowe
Promptly Written

Addicted to books, music and adventures. Creative writer. Book reviewer.