The Malignant tree


Neera Handa Dr
Promptly Written


Photo by rishi on Unsplash

This poem is inspired by Suma Narayan’s The Tree from Hell That Feeds on Misery

I was stuck especially by this line about the tree’s branches “creeping in to crevices digging out the bones”.

Malignant, malignancy meaning: badly, bad condition, deadly, unhealthy,

the dreaded words. All grow out of cancerous growth, or mistrust, beware!


This seed, this seedling of doubt

as it raises its ugly head

from the dirt and dust of relationships

where it always hides

nip it right there

don’t pick it

throw it

if you pick it.

Let it rest in your palm

wash it,

wrap it in the fabric of forgiveness

spun with the wool of forgetfulness.

Then bury it, burn it, whatever you do

Don’t sow it!

If you bury it in your heart,

don’t let it grow there!

deny it the sunshine of your gaze



Neera Handa Dr
Promptly Written

Top writer in poetry & Sustainability, compulsive writer, reading, writing just about anything. I write daily, have published a PhD, a book & academic articles.