
The Maple Tree Lounge

haiku prompt Pleasure and monthly prompt Finding Joy

KM Bernard
Promptly Written
Published in
2 min readJun 4, 2022


Photos by the Author: Kathleen Bernard

Sunshine ripples warm

within the maple tree lounge

Dog love at my feet

The last few months have been challenging, just when I thought the pressure had past us by, the Universe or Mercury said “Hold that wishful thinking there Girlie.”

In all the chaos of fractured bones, and natural aging; work demands and retirement slipping further out of reach. Through broken water pumps and emergency stitches, I find solace in my yard; and dog. That handsome boy is Zero, he’d be offended if I didn’t mention him. He thinks himself the center of our world (He is right but please don’t tell him!)

The maple tree was a source of teasing at one time. Found struggling as a sapling buried in the woods, overshadowed by brush and scrub trees looming. Careful transplant near the barn, a place of hope and honor. My husband laughed (mostly good natured) having little faith in a sad twig of a tree and a dreamer with a vision and fledgling skill.

That was several years ago, and as the picture testifies, faith in that twig was well rewarded. The maple tree now shares its shade generous and free, not forgetting early lack of faith, at least forgiving of a



KM Bernard
Promptly Written

Kathleen is a Nure Practitioner, lover of the cadence of words, and her rescue dog. She/her.