The Mouse People

What kind of civilization lives behind those walls

Amanda Gravely
Promptly Written


Photo by Zdeněk Macháček on Unsplash

The flag flying in the distance was the first sign of civilization. After wandering around on an unfamiliar planet for two weeks, Janney almost cried when she saw the blue and green cloth fluttering in the wind.

She stumbled towards the towering yellow sandstone wall, each step more difficult than the next as fear filtered through her body. What kind of aliens lived inside those walls? Would they help her or kill her? She stopped mid-stride and looked around.

No place to hide. The whole spot was one big open desert. A large tree loomed over the wall right in front of a tall wooden gate that creaked open. She could run, but the chances of getting away were very slim. All Janney could do was hope it was a friendly civilization.

The doors slowly opened, revealing an empty street made of colorful stones. A tall wooden structure stood several feet inside. Janney blinked against the bright sun beating down as she tried to make out what was moving inside It didn’t look human, more like an animal of some kind. Large ears and possibly a tail, it was hard to tell since it stayed in the shadows.

Janney took a step forward and paused as the alien turned to face her and stepped out from the shadows. A gasp escaped her lips when she got her…



Amanda Gravely
Promptly Written

I am a multi genre author writing mostly romance, fantasy, and sci-fi.