The New House On The Street

The house already has secrets — what is it?

T.K. McDonald
Promptly Written


Photo by John Fornander on Unsplash

I knew the moment they finished building the new house at the end of the street that something was wrong. The house was beautiful — black and white exterior and the interior looked like something only seen on HGTV. With all that going for it, the house sat on the market for 6 months.

The realtor changed on the house three times. Each one found themselves fed up with attempting to sell the place. The builder couldn’t understand why the house wasn’t selling and fired realtors after a month or two.

Finally, month seven — a buyer arrived. This tall, thin, arrogant man moved through the neighborhood like he owned it. Everyone liked him, including me. His name was James McDermitt and he was something special.

He lived in the house for two months and then he suddenly moved. The last time I saw him, he looked frail and like he’d aged 30 years. He no longer seemed arrogant, but humbled and afraid. He walked through the neighborhood one last time as the movers took his furniture to the truck.

By the time they’d placed the last of his belongings on the truck, James McDermitt collapsed and died.

The house sat empty once again for another six months. The next owners were a family of four — Mr. and Mrs. Sanders…



T.K. McDonald
Promptly Written

Tamila is a flash fiction visionary: Twists, Turns and Teasers. Within creativity I find life!, Follow me on Twitter: @TKMcDonald22