The Night That Changed My Life

For All Eternity

Joe Merkle
Promptly Written


Photo by author Heading to the reception

December 18, 1976. It was a cold December day in Chicago. I never noticed the cold that day. My mind and body were otherwise distracted.

I stood at the altar looking down the aisle as my bride-to-be walked towards me with a smile a mile wide (see picture). Never had I seen anything so beautiful in my life. Anyone who ever knew my wife knows I am not lying. She wore her mother’s wedding dress.

At that moment it dawned on me I was the luckiest human being alive on this planet. I think she said “yes, I’ll marry you,” because she felt sorry for me. Looking back on it that would be just like her.

The day was more than I had expected. The ceremony went great. I even remembered the vow I wrote (forgotten now). As we left the church a light dusting of snow was falling. Pale in comparison to her dress.

The reception was awesome. Surrounded by so many loved ones, family, great friends, and some strangers from even my side of the family I didn’t know. And the bride was the star. Just like it should be. She had a permanent smile on her face the entire night.

We were able to sneak out after all the perfunctory duties were performed. Nancy changed into street clothes, and we headed to the Drake Hotel in Oakbrook, IL. Keep in my mind we were just kids…



Joe Merkle
Promptly Written

I write about love, life, loss, kindness, and gratitude. Toss in some fiction and humor and you have the meanderings of a multifarious writer.