The Noise (Part 1)


Marc Barham
Promptly Written


Photo by Ganapathy Kumar on Unsplash

Case No: 037584

Transcript of Tape 5.

“The same question has been asked of me over and over and over again, When did you first hear the noise?’ I have tried to remember, but that exact moment just will not return to me. Yet the actual noise? That will never leave me. Crystal clear and etched inside my soul now.

“I do remember I was watching TV. What was on I do not recollect and the day it happened, I have no idea of. Today is the 31st of October? Right? Oh well, that is some small mercy. (Pauses) I haven't completely lost my mind, then… (Pauses)

“It was late, I remember that much. My son had decided to cook something and I had glanced at the clock surprised at the hour. It was 1.00 am. The film, yes, that's right, it had been a film — at least that has come back to me— had just finished and I was sitting on the sofa in a post-film phase, digesting the final scenes. And then an almighty great crash had come from above and to my right, from the loft. I jumped and my son rushed from the kitchen and stared at me. He just looked at me. He was — and I shall never forget his face — scared. Nothing scares my son. He's 24 and built like a brick shithouse. Can I say that? (Interviewers voice) Okay.



Marc Barham
Promptly Written

Column @ on iconic books, TV shows/films: Time Travel Peregrinations. Reviewed all episodes of ‘Dark’ @ site.