The Noise (Part 15)


Marc Barham
Promptly Written


Photo by Marina Kazmirova on Unsplash

So this was it. The final battle. After love and betrayal must come revenge. It is a cycle that must be. It is the trinity of tragedy that is ever-present in man's and women’s desire to be loved.

A woman deals with betrayal differently from a man. She prepares. She plans, and she executes. Queenie was executing. Duke was not. He was of course, partly, still in love with this monstrous feminine.

She sliced at him. Fast was the blade of clawed extremities desperate for flesh. His flesh. He swerved. Just in time. His clothing was ripped. She came again. Quick for a Vampyre but not quick enough for the Uber-model that Duke had become. And again. And again. But this time it was thin air, she clawed, into pieces of nothing. Nothing of Duke adumbrated her clawing appendages. Duke was playing with her. Getting her tired.

The Major was watching a deadly dance. But it was a dance being choreographed by Duke. He had no intention of killing or even hurting ‘Queenie’ the woman he had loved heart and soul. How could he possibly hurt her? It was literally unthinkable. Major was beginning to realise what Duke was up to and almost simultaneously did the Queen.

She of course could read Duke’s mind. She knew. She moved past Duke and rushed towards the portal. Duke saw all this in slo-mo and moved to stop…



Marc Barham
Promptly Written

Column @ on iconic books, TV shows/films: Time Travel Peregrinations. Reviewed all episodes of ‘Dark’ @ site.