The Noise (Part 7)


Marc Barham
Promptly Written


Photo by Hayley Seibel on Unsplash

Court Martial of Dr. J. Harker — Continuing Procedural

‘Dr. Harker: Now play tape 18, please.’

(Door opens and tape is placed into the vid-com machine.)

Tape 18

‘Dr. Harker: Duke, Duke? Are you with the Major? What is his status?

Duke: The recovery pod is empty. The Major is gone, but, there is blood everywhere and skin and teeth and what looks like….. human muscle tissue. And there is a very odd smell. I cannot quite place it, but, it is familiar to me…. yet …..I cannot fully recognize it. A smell beyond anything human and beyond a vampire. It is the stench of evil Doc. I should know. Real EVIL.

Dr. Harker: The serum has never been used on a changing hybrid creature before. I have only ever used it on you, Duke. You need to find him quickly. Maybe we can reverse the process. I don't know. But find the Major. Please.

Duke: Yes Dr. I will. But I must tell you I am for the first time, sensing, fear. A new sensation has come over me and it is very unpalatable to me. Fear? Me. The Duke is scared? (Noise emanates from Duke) All my vampire senses are firing on overload, Doc, so the Major cannot be far. If the Major is still left intact that is.



Marc Barham
Promptly Written

Column @ on iconic books, TV shows/films: Time Travel Peregrinations. Reviewed all episodes of ‘Dark’ @ site.