The Rhythms of Nature

Response for the Poetry Writing Challenge

Suma Narayan
Promptly Written
2 min readApr 25, 2022


A stream of water around an island of trees.
Photo by David Wirzba on Unsplash

Falls gently on jaded eyes, tired souls,
When we teach ourselves to see, to feel
All around us, in the harmonious blending,
Tunes unending, and the serenade of the seasons.

A riff of roughness, segue into softness,
Before the crescendo of winter, which spells death
A wisp of hope that Spring always
Follows Winter, though dark that winter may be

Hope and light are all around us.

Bird song at dawn, fireflies at night,
‘Raindrops on roses’, musical rain on tin roofs,
Tinkling streams in forest glades: unseen, unheard,
Wind wafting through weeping willow fronds , which sing.

Patterns and rhythms, all reasons for faith,
Things to believe in, concepts to live by:
When it can move mountains, why fear,
Since life, which ends in death, is preordained?

Death ends all things: why fear life?

©️ 2022 Suma Narayan. All Rights Reserved.

P S : ‘raindrops on roses’ is a quote from the eternally popular song/lyric from Rodgers and Hammerstein’s classic, ‘ The Sound of Music’.

This challenge was more difficult than I expected it to be. I had to iron out the badly folded seams of this poetic effusion for more than a fortnight, till I got it to be more or less creaseless. Yet, it was both fun and challenging, and I thank Cendrine Marrouat and Ravyne Hawke for issuing this challenge:

I used these prompts ; Spring, a natural setting : forests, a time of day : dawn, rain showers, nocturnal creatures : fireflies, natural substances: trees, and a body of water : stream.

I hope this Sepigram passes muster.



Suma Narayan
Promptly Written

Loves people, cats and tea: believes humanity is good by default, and that all prayer works. Also writes books. Support me at: