The Road


Stephen Chamberlin
Promptly Written


Photo by author

road weary, i stopped
the mortal coil’s ceaseless toil
wizened and wiser
stepped off to finally live
yet i know not how, onward

This tanka conveys my assessment of how ingrained our culture implants the habit of future thinking in each of us.

When we ‘retire’ or step off the road, we have no capacity to be present….to live for the moment.

For me I stepped off, and the subsequent feelings of panic, despondency and depression compelled me back onto the path.

The path itself of course, has an end but that end is a constantly retreating shimmering mirage that stops only when, as Shakespeare said:

“…we have shuffled off this mortal coil…”

Special thanks to the team at Promptly Written — you are the most engaged and supportive editors I have found on this platform. I am grateful for you.



Stephen Chamberlin
Promptly Written

Oldish guy, trying his hand at something new. Retired Coast Guard Officer. Now self-employed in the wine and spirits industry.