The Sound of an Infant’s Laughter

Prompt Poetry

Rob Dods
Promptly Written
Mar 25, 2022


Photo by Andriyko Podilnyk on Unsplash

The sound of an infant’s laughter…

Generates a visceral felicity, a mirthful merriment
It detonates an invisible levity device buried deep within
It penetrates, a medicinal lotion that heals and fixes
It decorates miserable grey with myriads of hues and tints
It saturates the air with liberal, outrageous, contagious bliss

…that’s what the sound of an infant’s laughter does

This was in response to the “Poetic Visions” prompt by Christine Graves found at

@ 2022, Rob Dods

This was a quick one, I didn’t have much time this week. My focus was on internal rhyme and alliteration. The prompt is actually “The Sound of Child’s Laughter”, but to me, there is something even more extraordinary in an infant’s laughter.

