The Trader of Dreams

Fiction- a story for the daily prompt

Neera Handa Dr
Promptly Written


Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash

I slipped into the car, and threw my laptop bag on the passenger’s seat, where I usually did, as usual, I wasn’t expecting to have anyone sit there, at least not tonight. I had left my wings in the car boot this morning, or was that last night! I smiled. Under a white sheet, soft feathers, with crisp white ribbons, my hands were itching to grab them, now. But no, I knew the routine. I started the car, and it drove as smoothly as a feather, I was proud of my car, still!

A few weeks ago, it is hard to believe now, I had been driving home, feeling depressed, lonely, and empty. The bank job, that I had was demanding, but it didn’t fill me, something was missing. I had wanted that job, always, it was something for which all of us had slogged. She had given up on me by the time we were in the final year. Out of our group, only two of us had been successful in getting the cadetship. She had declined and gone back to the village, she had said that she didn’t want to trade her dreams for something she didn’t believe in, she didn’t trust the devil. But I had. I had accepted. Made the deal. And from there, I had moved on very quickly, from the company to this bank, where again, working hard, playing the game according to their rules, I had got the promotion that I had wanted. It all went so smoothly, a bit too smoothly, the…



Neera Handa Dr
Promptly Written

Top writer in poetry & Sustainability, compulsive writer, reading, writing just about anything. I write daily, have published a PhD, a book & academic articles.