The Voice at the Rink

Short story for the daily special — December 17th

Amanda Gravely
Promptly Written


Photo by Weston MacKinnon on Unsplash

June held out a pair of black skates towards Ryan. “You can use these. They were my brothers.”

Ryan shook his head. “I don’t skate.”

With a frown, June placed the skated down beside the bench. “If you don’t skate, then why did you come?”

Ryan swallowed the lump that suddenly formed in his throat. He couldn’t possibly tell her the truth. She would never believe him. “Well, I wanted to spend time with you.” He flashed her a smile.

“How sweet of you.” She kissed him on the cheek and finished lacing up her skates. “Are you sure you don’t want to give it a try?”

“No. You go have fun.”

She gave him a smile before heading out onto the ice and gliding gracefully around the small outdoor rink. White lights shaped like snowflakes hung on posts around the area, giving it a romantic glow. He wished he could join her, but he wasn’t in the mood to embarrass himself tonight.

His mind drifted to the real reason he came. The voice that nagged him during the day and plagued his dreams at night. The nasally voice kept telling him he had to come here. He avoided the rink for almost three days, but that voice wouldn’t leave him alone. It was relentless in its effort…



Amanda Gravely
Promptly Written

I am a multi genre author writing mostly romance, fantasy, and sci-fi.