Things Not to Do to a Man

The List of things Not to Do to Please a Man

Ross Lynn
Promptly Written
Nov 10, 2021


Photo by Hannah Skelly on Unsplash

Do not speak out of turn,
For that shows your persistence.
When he grabs on your thigh,
Do not show your resistance.
When your logic’s called “cute”,
Do not show you know better.
When asks for your achievements,
By a shorter pole measure.
Do not complain of your sorrows,
Do not complain of your joys.
Do not force him to listen when empathy must be employed.
Do not ask for his number.
Do not ask for his heart.
When he feels like half-committing, that’s where your love story starts.
Above, a list of simple things to not upset a man.
But to make him happy, really happy, just don’t exist sis, if you can.

Ross Lynn



Ross Lynn
Promptly Written

3 × Medium Top Writer aspiring to make a difference one comma at a time.