True Companionship Turns Darkness Into Light

Life lessons/opinion piece

Promptly Written
3 min readOct 28, 2021


Image by the Author

"I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light"
Helen Keller

The beautiful and soul healing quote of Helen Keller puts a spotlight on the chemistry of human nature and philosophy.

I must tell you that, Helen Keller is like a diamond, giving its sparkling rays in every direction for all light seekers. Helen Keller was a prominent writer of the 19 century, but she remained a celebrity among the writers of that era. She will be remembered due to her optimism, activism, and the deep analysis, we find in her literary pieces.

Helen was deaf and blind, all her writings, made me think of her extraordinary way of perceiving life, relationships, wisdom, and eternity. I strongly believe that Helen was indeed the ultimate being of God.

"In God’s eternal world, mind and spirit avail so much".
Helen Keller

According to psychologists, all human beings have basic needs like food, water and shelter, and the need for belonging. The new modern researchers have found that the urge to love and to be loved is also a fundamental need of every human being. The need to belong to a close companionship is also among the very basic needs of every single human being for survival. Every human being wants to love, have support and care, friendship and a relationship, one can deeply depend on in difficult times.

Relationships and companionships are the sources, which gives us hope, love, and the emotional support we need throughout our life. These friendships also help us in identifying ourselves and our importance in this world. Whenever we are in pain and distress, the first thing we want is to talk and share with someone close to us. Relationships have the magical power of cure and problem-solving in times of need.

“Love is like the wild rose-briar,
Friendship like the holly-tree —
The holly is dark when the rose-briar blooms
But which will bloom most constantly?”
Emily Bronte

People who have no close relationship can have the following emotional and physical disorders. According to new research, a person with no relationship is simply at more risk of committing suicide.

  1. Relationships are necessary for physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing so no close relationship means simply mental and physical problems.
  2. These companionships are the source of light in the darkness, which directs and shows us the path of happiness. No companionship means no light and you may hit the wall.
  3. The soulful and mindful relationships have the miraculous power to save human lives so in their absence disorders of anxiety and distress are there to welcome you.

All human beings need Love, Hope, direction, and light in the darkness of loneliness, distress, and depression. Your close relationship or friendship provides you with this healing process to recover from any kind of trauma. So you must have at least one soul healer or a sincere friend to get rid of all kinds of traumas.

The aspect of a human being’s dependency on others and the urge to be with someone is what Helen Keller expressed in her soulful words. Relationships and companionships are no doubt the greatest treasure of all. All the literature of different cultures and languages is filled with the longing and importance of love and being loved.

I strongly believe that human beings have the potential to overcome anything with the power of love. The urge to love and be loved is what makes us THE SUPER BEINGS among all beings created by God.

A true companion or a friend is actually the real light, which you need on the darkest paths of your journey. I will end this with my poem The Eternal Sun


You are the sun in my darkest journey

You are the one, who held my hand

When I was about to fall into the pit of depression and anxiety

Now I am not afraid of the dying sun

You showed me the way to eternity and infinity

You are the eternal sun of my hope, wisdom, and friendship




Promptly Written

hi everyone, I am a writer and a painter. I write poetry, short stories and my broken thoughts as well to understand and discover life.