Unfounded Pain
Twisted Brain
Dig into the darkest pit
Pitch black sludge
Breathtakingly inappropriateWrap me in your filth
Delight me in peril
Ballerina music box twirl
Quite a varietySo innocent
So dirty
Water is blinding
MurkyI didn’t ask you to believe in me
You handpicked me
Out of my degraded insecurityWater cleanses
Caked on mud
Haven’t succumbed to my senses
Rub a dub dub
Breaking the chains of filthy loveMy lustful debauchery
Led me to the pits of hell
That surrounded meBroken in many places
You saw the face
Of the facelessA dim light flare in a dungeon of regret
A hope of one I had never met
One second is all it took to forgetBrought out of the void to a blinding light
You taught me how through love I could fightHe saw in me what I couldn’t see in myself
You are that love to someone elseShare your ugliness when you were broken
You were brought forth to be outspoken
Be grateful you were chosenThank you for reading! I see things differently then most. The darkness inside is where my light resides. Breaks through. Start…