waging a war

Mescaline Brisset
Promptly Written
2 min readJun 30, 2022


a poem

Photo by Mukund Nair on Unsplash

when the chieftains became landlords
and the clansmen became tenants
I became a bullet
bounced back and forth
in your multi-skilled hands
requiring fun and games
every time I was around
to hurl all the impurities at me
without a doubt
longing for ideology
going on for ages
as if general Franco was still alive
and dared to invade England
implementing the new laws
against democratic values
just like you tried
to get rid of that
freedom in my heart
pursuing the Axis powers
against mine
allied troops
the same as during the Second World War
have you tried to turn the history?
you’d have to converge
with Russia perhaps
but that would put you a world from that
place where you lived
and it taught you nothing but
how not to behave, talk, party, and work
in your beloved community
whom you have sworn to serve
with the greatest diligence yet
you’ve only been negligent
in your derogatory nature

