Water Is My Elixir

A Writing Prompt Poem

Lynn L. Alexander
Promptly Written
May 31, 2023


Photo by Jacek Dylag on Unsplash

When I was a child
My grandmother would laugh.
I would drink water with chocolate cake
Rather than with milk from a calf.

Water is my favorite drink
and so quenches my thirst.
It is so smooth and pure
and I would choose it first.

It comes from a bottle or faucet
Slinks down my throat and restores.
It’s so good for my body
and helps with my skin and my pores.

Instead of reaching for a soda
choose the healthy H2O.
You will feel much better
And your face will glow.



Lynn L. Alexander
Promptly Written

Eclectic writer. Ovarian cancer survivor. My interests include humor, health, grief, personal essays and entertainment. Please follow me on my journey.