Welcome to the Sleeping Gods Universe

A new fictional series coming to Promptly Written

Jackson Barr Stories
Promptly Written


A woman holding a box. The world is curled around her in a circle, she has a very long dress and there is a stream of stars falling into the box she is holding.
Photo by Evgeni Tcherkasski on Unsplash

Update: I’ve been working through some edits over the past week and there have been some BIG changes. New backstory, new characters and new ideas that build toward Act 2: The Other Side. Happy Reading!

Hello! I’m so happy to be sharing my Let Sleeping Gods Lie series here on PW.

Thanks, Ravyne Hawke!

I have been working on this SciFi/Fantasy story for a number of months now and have been publishing on medium for the past few weeks. I am wrapping up Act 1 this week and then, I will bring Act 2 to PW. I am so looking forward to it!

To get up to speed, you can find all the stories from Act 1: An Unusual Brain here:

The series follows Abraham Windfist and his family. Abraham was born with an unusual brain that wreaks all kinds of chaos on his family and friends. It isn’t his fault, he is only a newborn baby after all. But the world is never going to be the same again, now that he is in it.



Jackson Barr Stories
Promptly Written

Learning to read more like a writer and write more like a reader.