What is worth fighting for? — An Honest Answer

I do not know for now. Maybe tomorrow I will.

Hilbeth Jean Melencion
Promptly Written
2 min readMar 25, 2023


Photo by svklimkin on Unsplash

I am a warrior waking up to a battle every day.
Battles caused by others or merely self-inflicted.
I am a captive of my own tyranny.

Silly? I know.
I am a paradox.

I come to battle every day, or the battle comes to me.
Either way, I never win.

I am both the victim and the criminal.
Why am I even fighting these battles?
What am I even fighting for?

If you’re someone who wakes up to more than a two decade of unending war,
The reason of the war won’t be significant.
You won’t even know how the war started in the first place.
All you know is that you need to keep fighting.

But for what?
That I don’t know.

The battle for today has ended.
I survived.

Tomorrow is another battle.
I hope then, I’ll know what I am fighting and what is worth fighting for.

No. Scratch that.
Tomorrow. I hope.
For once.
I won’t have to fight.
I won’t have to survive.

And if I get luckier,
I hope, I won’t have to ask what’s worth fighting for.

Because then, and for the next days, and months, and years, I’ll know.
Yes. I’ll know.

Prompt Response to Spiritual Sunday What is worth fighting for?

Ravyne Hawke thank you for the prompt. It tempted my muse. My dark muse haha.

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Hilbeth Jean Melencion
Promptly Written

I am just a curious little curio. A graduate of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering.