Your Last Call Was Where the Healing Started

The Daily Special — Dec 14th Poetry Prompt

Sujona Chatterjee
Promptly Written


I kept staring at my screen,
Hoping to see your name.
Even though I had to get through my day,
I felt my phone was ringing every second.

Then as fate would have it,
I was in a meeting.
I could see the phone ringing,
But couldn’t dare to receive it.

As the meeting ended,
I rushed to call you back.
You answered with a deep ‘hello’,
While I was hiding my tears.

‘How are you’, you asked,
‘I am fine’, I replied.
Then a few seconds went by,
And we both knew this is the last call of our lifetime.

‘I wish you well’, I said,
‘I will always love you’, you said.
‘Then why did you treat me this way’, my mind said,
‘Goodbye’, finally I developed the courage to say.

As the dial tone went blank,
And the waterfall of tears travelled from my eyes to my neck.
That last call felt like thousand thorns piercing my skin,
And my heart felt like it was choking to death.

Our last call taught me,
That I am resilient and willing to heal.
But healing only happens after the terrible storms,
And your last call was the beginning of it all.

Thank you Ravyne Hawke for another thought-provoking prompt.

This one took me back to when I emerged resilient from the terrible storms. :)



Sujona Chatterjee
Promptly Written

Living life the only way I know how — one day at a time.