Your Top Writers For March at Promptly Written!

Which writers inspired you the most this month?

Promptly Written


Image by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

It’s been a fabulous month of prompts from the wonderful Dr. Casey Lawrence and Bella Smith ⭐, with everything from days of the week and childhood rhymes to womanhood and thinking about all things fire and heat related, there has been something for everyone and the wide range of responses and submission you’ve been sending in have demonstrated that perfectly.

The greatest thing about a good prompt is it nudges together thoughts you didn’t even realise were meandering around your mind, encouraging you to make new connections, and stretch your creative wings out of your comfort zone into new and exciting territories.

Seeing what you come up with and the rabbit holes our ideas take you on is the best part of working for this publication. But don’t forget we like to be inspired too so if you’ve found a prompt that inspired you elsewhere, we welcome you to share your response here as long as you credit the original article. We don’t mind where the inspiration originates as long as you keep writing. Let’s keep the spark lit!

Without further ado here are your top writers for March 2024…




Promptly Written

Writing on female experience, race, motherhood & self-development. Columnist at Green Parent magazine & Parenting Top Writer. Follow me on IG @adeola_moonsong.