Drama In The Drawers

Battle of the utensils
Prompts Galore Challenge: Perspective from inanimate objects

Lora Coleman
Prompts galore
3 min read2 days ago


a light illuminates a kitchen counter and drawer
Photo by Florencia Potter on Unsplash

“And this is why I’ m a Hufflepuff”, I thought as I listened to fork and spoon bicker on. I don’t blaze or pierce through like the steak knife or fork. I’m not one dimensional like spoon. I’m always there as a gentle helping hand. Fair for all, helping even young ones build their independence.

“You just think you’re all that now, because you can twirl spaghetti,” spoon muttered.

“Weeellll, I am important enough to have three of me on formal tables, THREE!!” fork spiked back, gleaming with pride.

I sighed internally, trying to stay out of it. I’d always been an example, lying straight and strong but today, I felt a bit annoyed by the arrogance of my my counter partners. I just wanted to spread the love you know? We were all born in silver, why couldn’t they act like it?

“Ok and- I don’t see anyone lining up to get a souvenir fork!” spoon chimed.

Fork was really fired up now. “It’s not my fault you’re weak! You’re so weak, a cuddling position is named after you!”

Before fork could continue on, I silenced the drawer drama.

a spoon, fork, and butter knife
Photo by Erik Mclean on Unsplash

“Both of you have your strengths, and weaknesses like any other utensil. Fork, you do struggle with soups and spoon, you were frustrated when you tried to pick up steak on “the car ride we don’t talk about”.

I was relieved to have settled the drawer debate, until spoon had to open it’s big bowl again.

““You’re just jealous of my CURVES,” spoon sang.

“Oh really, ha, bet that when that drawer opens again, I am the lucky one chosen! “ fork challenged. Fork could be that way sometimes..

Well, you can just imagine how that went. The bet was on. Whichever tool was chosen next got the big spot in the organizer for a week after the humans went to bed.

I knew I wouldn’t be chosen, being just a butter knife after all. The chances of it being something spreadable were slim. I didn’t mind. I quite liked my cozy place in the organizer.

a series of clocks show time go by
Photo by Joshua Hoehne on Unsplash

The minutes seemed to drag on, with fork and spoon clanking so loudly with anticipation. Finally, we heard that familiar creaking. Time itself seemed like it was taking as long as the time it takes the humans to take us out of the dishwasher.

The decision had been made. I was still there, thankfully. The surprise was felt throughout the drawer. Was it bad that I felt just a smidge of pleasure?

The fork and spoon were finally united…. in failure!!!

as the chop sticks had been carried away, leaving the rest of us wondering what meal they would enjoy.

