Short Story | Horror | Humour

Jimmy Vinter, Dragon Rider: Tale at the Elleray Pub

Prompts galore
13 min readApr 6, 2024


A ferocious hedgehog with sharp pointy teeth and the wings of a dragonfly, surrounded by bees
Image created by author utilising Bing Copilot AI generator

A/N: This was written for the following prompt -

“I heard a strange whistling sound coming from outside my window. When I looked out, I saw an eerie figure dancing in the wind. Its eyes seemed to be staring right into my soul.”

It was taken from the following 5 set of prompts as posted on Prompts Galore -


Windermere, Cumbria, UK

“Say, Jim?” Sam said as we were eating lunch.

The sound of normal lunchtime activity at the Windermere Dragon Academy surrounded us and I was busy forking great mouthfuls of stuffed peppers between my lips.

“Yeah, Sam?” I asked distractedly before I shoved another mouthful of food into my mouth.

“You going to Andy’s birthday party tonight?” Sam asked. “I know Andy told me he was going to ask you but I still don’t know whether you are or not.”



Prompts galore

Multi-genre writer and avid reader based in the UK. LGBTQ+. Metal-head. Lover of reptiles, dragons and dinosaurs. Fuelled by Smoothies. Now a Boosted author!