Gains Momentum with Enrollment of Founding Artist Members

Enrollment for is off to a strong start, with numerous accomplished musicians, songwriters, singers and producers signing on as Founding Artist Members. As the first artist-controlled authority of music credits, enables artists to take control of their credits, identity, metadata and digital legacy.

“We are thrilled at receiving such an enthusiastic response to the launch of our organization’s digital platform and are honored to include some highly respected music industry professionals as our Founding Artist Members,” says Christy Crowl, Founder and CEO of “Our Founding Artist Members have already done the hard work — creating the art. Now they can protect and preserve their works by their own means and control, and their metadata can be stored centrally and repurposed across industry platforms as they so desire.”

One Founding Artist Member is Richard Davis, a songwriter, producer and engineer who has worked with Eagles, Alanis Morissette and Glenn Frey, to name a few. “I spend a lot of days in a room by myself working on records,” Davis says. “That work often ends up on successful releases, and sometimes it doesn’t, but it’s out there. It’s good knowing for myself that I made a difference on a song, but I’d also like for other people to know it too — otherwise I’d likely not get more work, and knowledge of my efforts would disappear.”

“When I was a boy I read liner notes and credits constantly, absorbing the names of musicians and engineers like they were clues on the path to great music — and they are,” Davis adds. “In the world of streaming, a new generation of musicians do not have this experience. I want them to have a place to go and find these clues, and place their own names, because we are all what makes up the path. I support because they preserve the path.”

Clydene Jackson is a multi-faceted artist who is the keyboardist for Jazz guitarist, Nils, and has worked on several hundred films, including The Magnificent Seven, Star Trek Beyond, Jurassic World, Avatar and The Lion King. She also leads her own successful band, Gravity 180, which combines pop, R&B and Latin styles.

“I had planned on starting a new website to showcase my work, but since Christy Crowl created, it seemed to be the right fit for me after attending her webinar,” Jackson notes. “I’ve worked with Christy on film and I’ve seen her conduct the musical, Wicked and was greatly impressed.”

“I’ll be able to direct everyone to to see my list of accomplishments as I’ve never had them all shown in one place,” Jackson continues. “I’ve worked on a lot of projects, but to actually see them in front of me is truly amazing!”

Another Founding Artist Member is music historian LeRena Major, also known as the Rockhistorygal. A Swing Jazz saxophonist, Major has written liner notes for numerous albums (including several from composer James A. Goins) and has consulted on several books and films (including Kashif’s upcoming documentary, The History of R&B Music and its Influence on World Culture).

“ represents not just the future of music credits, but the preservation of music history,” Major says. “I chose to enroll because in my endeavors I want [and need] to access music history for the rest of my life — in as accurate and easily accessible a way as possible — and I want everyone else to be able to do so as well. will be an oft-accessed music history resource for me, which I plan to depend on as a repository for music credits.”

Also joining as a Founding Artist Member is Matt Cornwell, an award-winning composer/arranger who is also the President of Big U Music Sound Design, the largest post audio/music facility in Arizona. “I have known and worked with Christy for many years now and saw the work and vision that she and her team had for and it seemed like it had so much potential for the working musician,” he says. “Having a singular place that I can use both as a credit list and a future one-stop shop for performance rights organizations and license holders is about the best thing to happen to the musicians that are ‘behind the scenes’ like me. Having that in one place is invaluable.”

ProMusicDB’s inaugural Open Enrollment for Founding Artist Musicians and Music Creators ends November 30, 2016. Interested artists may sign up today at

Free on-demand informational webinars with a full site demo are available anytime at:

