Reasons to Consider Cargo Shrink Wrap for Protection of Cargo

Marty John Pido
3 min readNov 1, 2021
Cargo Shrink Wrap

Cargo shrink wrap ensures proper stacking, protection, and transportation of cargo. It is a cost-effective, efficient, and tried method to shrink wrap cargo to prevent it from toppling or protection against the harsh weather conditions that cargo comes in contact with during transportation. Shrink wrap can be used to protect cargoes that are of great size and shape and is a better method to protect cargo for open transport than any other methods.

Few Reasons that Make Cargo Shrink Wrap Packaging Ideal for Protection Are:

Ensures Cargo Protection, Safe Delivery, and Fewer Accidents

Cargo needs to be protected at all times especially during shipping and transportation as a damaged cargo would affect the reputation of the company and also would cause loss of business. Cargo shrink wrap creates a tight seal around the cargo protecting the contents from damages caused due to dust, dirt, or moisture. Few types of shrink wrap even come with a UV protection feature, to keep products safe from the sun’s harmful rays. As shrink wrap is made from strong, durable plastic, it is difficult to tear or puncture. When compared to other packing materials, shrink wrap does not become brittle or weaken when exposed to extreme weather conditions and it does not slacken nor droop, ensuring more security.

Affordable and Maximises Space

Shrink wrapping is an affordable option as it requires only two things, heat and plastic. The price may vary on the type of plastic being used, but even considering this it still is the most inexpensive packaging material available. Shrink wrap helps to maximise space as it keeps bundled items close together without the need of using additional bulky materials to store them like boxes or crates. With space maximised, value for money is saved especially for storage and transport. The tighter the containment the more usable square footage is available for transportation.

Reduced Possibility for Theft and Tampering

Cargo tampering is a major problem for many industries. With cargo shrink wrap, any tampering will be noticeable immediately thus ensuring compromised cargo is sorted out before reaching the customers. Shrink wrap is incredibly durable and holds its shape, so any tampering is easily evident upon scrutiny. A few varieties of shrink wrap also provide colour-changing effects that are triggered when the shrink wrap is tampered with. All of these qualities make shrink wrap useful for protection against theft and tampering during transport and storage.

Helps in Branding

Shrink wrap can be designed with colours, words, logos, and pictures that will help promote products and increase brand awareness. It helps to make a brand more visible to potential customers. Shrink wrap provides a way to customise the design of your products while still providing protection for transport and storage.

Cargo shrink wrap is a packaging material that helps to eliminate unnecessary materials, cut back on costs, and ensure the integrity of the cargo. It is also eco-friendly and can be recycled, which is just another reason for its popularity.



Marty John Pido

Marty John Pido has been in information technology business for 15 years. He is a graduate of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science.