Server Maintenance: 10 October 2017

Tai Kersten
Proof of Fintech DevBlog
1 min readOct 10, 2017

We will be updating and pushing quite a bit of new code up to our backend servers throughout the 10th and 11th of October so certain aspects of the dashboard will be going down. We are doing everything we can to get back to full operation while mitigating areas of downtime.

Here is some info about what we are doing:

First, we are migrating parts of the dashboard to a heavier duty server and orchestration system in order to speed up services and increase stability.

Next, some aspects of our backend API are getting refactored so that we can more quickly assess and handle issues.

Finally, we are changing up some of the features that were deployed really early on on a small IAAS instance to something a bit more production ready.

Thank you for your patience, apologies for any inconvenience, and we will do everything we can to reduce downtime.

Areas that will definitely be affected:

  • Transfers and conversions of crypto
  • Fiat conversions
  • Creating assets

Areas that may be affected:

  • Asset creation
  • Viewing/purchasing certain assets that were created before March 2017

