Tokensale Prep and Rundown for 27 October

Alright long time no see, I wanted to wait on getting you all more info, aside from small announcements on some exciting developments we have been working on here at Proof. These include some info on our Dashboard, The AMP, our Smart Contracts, and the Tokensale app.

Tai Kersten
Proof of Fintech DevBlog
4 min readOct 28, 2017


First here is a rundown on the Dashboard. David Van Isacker has been pulling triple duty working on improvements on the dashboard and smart contracts as well as helping out on development on our newly minted tokensale. He also got a killer haircut and continues to simultaneously be the resident coding rockstar and office heartthrob.

Now, first for the dashboard:

We added some stability fixes to the backend and fixed a bug where sometimes users would get a truncated Ethereum address thus causing issues with sending out Ether and deploying smart contracts. The cause of this came from a change to an external API we were calling to and from here on out, addresses should be just fine from here out.

Next, The bug that caused some accounts made in early October to be unable to view certain pages has been fixed. This bug was caused by one of our API’s being connected to a de-synced node so when user’s balances and contracts were queried they caused a strange but grammatically payload that was being missed by our first layer validators and causing aberrant behaviors on the front end. This has been fixed and the node has been switched out.

Mike and David also made a slew of stability and usability fixes on the which should increase the quality of life for users.

Now for Smart Contracts:

We have a bonus system! There are now purchase bonuses hardcoded into the smart contract which will allow early adopters to get a leg up on premiums upon the beginning of the November 1st tokensale.

Some other tweaks and changes on the TokenContract include:

  • In the contract, changed the start and end of the presale by timestamp instead of block
  • Successfully validated contracts on Etherscan
  • update to recent solidity syntax
  • Adjusted contract for the new (lower) gas prices due to the Byzantium fork
  • Scripts to be able to control the tokensale contract directly
  • Checks so that the above scripts cannot be abused by even the Proof Team

One ongoing conversation we have been having internally about contracts is when to give ourselves control and when to build in time-based or volume based behavior changes into a contract. We are working with our community, ourselves, and outside developers to strip down our contracts and find any possible issues.

You can see the contracts (and more goodies) thus far here:

As far as development on the AMP, we have finally settled on an architecture we like and will begin leaking information on that here and at our official blog over the next few months. This will eventually culminate into a full yellow-paper to get the technical details and theories out to the public.

The Tokensale site:

In the interest of building an easy to use token site for our sale, we are happy to announce that the early version of our tokensale site is up and ready for accounts. It can be located at and is connected to a test contract. Please do not send real Ether here.

A video of how to use this can be found here:

The site’s architecture is built on Angular 2 with type script and the usual node-js and js backends. Our goal with this site is to have as much of the user information to be kept clientside as much as possible while balancing this with a seamless user experience. If you are curious about the site check out the above url (please highlight and paste!) .

Here are some preview screens:

Special thanks to SmartSenseSolutions who helped us build out the backends and API’s as well as did a killer job on getting us up to speed on the newest Angular design patterns.

