Moving Tokens from The Proof Dashboard and Update

Tai Kersten
Proof of Fintech DevBlog
7 min readJan 18, 2018

With the announcement of the sunsetting of the Proof Dashboard as we begin to move over to the next pillars of our company, we want to make sure all of our users know how to move their digital assets off of the dashboard. In this interest, we have written this blogpost and hope it will help both clear up some confusion about how the dashboard interacts with the blockchain as well as act as a source of information.

This post will be covering the following topics:

1. Moving Tokens from the Proof Dashboard
2. How to view tokens with Metamask
3. How to move tokens with Myetherwallet
4. A Development Update for the new year

  1. Moving Tokens from The Proof Dashboard

To start, the dashboard does not ‘hold’ your tokens. It is not an exchange. It is merely a deployment mechanism for digital assets accounted for on the Ethereum chain and a front-end for the contracts holding the conditions of those assets. The wallet holding the tokens themselves exists entirely on the Ethereum blockchain. You have access to your private key… aka… the keys to your ERC queen (or king) -dom. That last sentence also doubles as a webdesign pun.

You can find your key under the Account Balances section of the dashboard:

From here, you can find your balances screen which should look a bit like this:

From here, you can click on the key icon next to the ‘load’ button. You should see a dialogue like this:

Voila là c’est! This is your private key. This is how you move assets around on the current paradigm of blockchains using a PKI-based address system such as Bitcoin or Ethereum. As the name implies, do not share this with anyone. Do not give it to anyone. It is your everything. It is the one key to bind them all and seal them away in your hard drive. It is your precious. I am going to reiterate: DO NOT ever share this with anyone you don’t trust, do not broadcast it over an insecure channel… and most of all, do not ever share it in a screenshot openly on an internet blog.

For more info on Private Keys check out this text thing.

Now here’s a bit on how you can move tokens using this private key (naturally, this is going to focus on Ethereum). Note that these instructions are for assets on the ETHEREUM chain and NOT the Proof chain which is supposed to function as a recordation and testnet mechanism rather than a fullscale asset transfer device.

How to view tokens with metamask

Moving Ethereum tokens with Metamask is very simple. You will need to do a few things. First, import your wallet, next make sure there is Ethereum on it, next move the tokens to a different Ethereum wallet.

  1. After clicking the metamask fox picture on your browser plug-in, Import your wallet by clicking the three lines in the top right and selecting Import account:

On the dialogue that comes up copy-paste your private key into this slot. For maximum security, add private key character-by-character or do the beginning import while disconnected from the internet after transferring the key to a secure file location.

2. Afterwards, find the token contract on your asset dashboard by clicking on this icon:

Note that despite the text, if you click on the ‘Learn more’ text you will directed to an Etherscan page with the contract address.

3. After this, on Metamask enter the contract details by clicking the ‘’ on this dialogue:

And enter your token info here:

Afterwards, you will be able to see your tokens on Metamask:

Now let’s learn how to move tokens with My Ether Wallet. Keep in mind that this will only work with tokens on the ERC-20 standard.

Moving tokens with MyEtherWallet

  1. Go to the ‘Contracts’ menu of MyEtherWallet ( DO NOT trust any other url. Read the URL very carefully:

Copy/paste this Contract ABI into the ABI / JSON interface:


5. After entering Abi click ‘Access’ and a dropdown menu with some contract functions will appear. If you select totalSupply and it says 0, dont worry, the balances are on the wallet that you used on the dashboard. You can select, balanceOf and enter your dashboard wallet address (NOT private key) and see your balances. In order do do your transfer, select the transfer function.:

6. Finally, enter your wallet information using the private key dialogue and create a transaction.

A few words of caution. Transferring many tokens off of a wallet in rapid succession can eat up a fair amount of Ethereum so be careful there. Tweak your Gwei (in the top right) and gas limits accordingly. Next, keep in mind that the default configuration for Proof contracts is 0 decimals. The reason for this is that we ran into many UI/UX understanding problems when the dashboard was first created so we simplified down the flow. Likewise, in the case of the dashboard, the original design of the dashboard was for users to issue smaller number of fractional ownership tokens and at the time the dashboard was designed, decimals had not come into common practice as a part of a standard and were merely for visualization purposes rather than a fundamental part of tokens.

And herein sits the reason we are completely re-building the dashboard from its current version to the next generation. Think VHS to Blueray or Playstation 2 to Playstation 6. More on this now.

Coffee Coffee Cofffe Coofe: A Development Update for the new year

To finish, a one paragraph history on the dashboard. The dashboard is a 3 year old piece of technology built originally as a PoC for real world assets on the blockchain. Since its inception, it has seen 2 Ethereum hardforks, the creation of the ERC standard, thousands and thousands of transactions, two entirely different node protocols, the creation of multisig standards, the collapse of multisig standards, an over 1000% volume/price gain, and more than a few commit-level version increments of solidity. And this is just for Ethereum.

Although, it was a personal goal of mine to get Bitcoin tokens and assets on the dashboard, the almost disappearance of commonplace OA/color-coin assets and the differing directions of BTC and ETH have placed this dream on hold. That said, we are keeping a close eye on RSK and Neo to see if they begin taking on partnerships enough to begin researching other protocols for the dashboard v1 (or is it v2.0?… we are having in office duels between marketing and development on this one).

Likewise, we are in the midst of rapidly staffing up and have brought on some of the most dynamic, intelligent, curious, and high functioning developers, business specialists, alcoholics, and artists in Asia. There will be another post gushing about this team in the future, but just know, I am told everyday not to share things and talk about things that are supposed to be put out in more responsible ways. I think you will be hyped for the next thing. I know I am. I know David is. I know because I think I am going to have a heartattack before this thing is over. But it will be a heartattack coming from a place of love — and sitting too much reading, coffee, coding, talking, coffee, and eating donuts with coffee.

Weekly updates on development to resume this week as well!

