Monday 29 April Update

Tai Kersten
Proof of FinTech


Hi everyone, this is going to be a short update as we have been very busy with implementing our utility-token payment system on our products while working with some other teams on some exciting projects that will contribute value and quality to the blockchain industry.

In reference to the PRFT-utility system, we have been testing and building in gateways to allow users to avail themselves to uses in the ecosystem. Currently, we are writing some internal monitors and tools to ensure that the system runs as expected with as little interference from us as possible. Some of the Event Listeners and front-ends for this may end up on our Github shortly so stay tuned!

Next, we have been hard at work on some unannounced initiatives that, if all goes to plan, will end up delivering some amazing assets that will begin to set up the next steps for our AMP network. More on this soon as we further coordinate with our partners.

We still have a Proof-of-Make incoming on some hot new tech. As we updated our smart contracts and the surrounding application platforms necessary for utilizing smart contracts, we found new opportunities to discuss about the technology so this got a little delayed.

As an application company, we are always looking out for both offerings and user experiences that will bring down barriers to entry and increase interest in the overall blockchain space. Since we are one team, we are looking to work with initiatives that have similar values and vision as us. With this in mind, we have been researching blockchain-based infrastructure technologies that will allow us to overcome some of the limitations of the current generation of Dapps and allow Proof to be an app-leader for both public and private chains.

Finally, if you noticed the image at the top of this post, this came from a Quorum meet up we hosted and participated in with some of our partners out here in Korea. As we begin to really find valuable features to bring to our current platforms, we are working hard to develop the partnerships necessary for building out a robust network essential for building high quality applications.

