PROOF OF TOSS suspends the token sale for two months

The PROOF OF TOSS team has made a tough decision to put the token sale on a short pause to complete the MVP, make a few changes in the tokenomics and onboard some awesome tallent.

Although we began our token sale as planned, it seems that we may have overlooked some key factors that drive the project to success in the ever so changing cryptocurrency market. The sad part of it is that we have these factors on standby and were planning to roll them out during the token sale.

Despite the fact that PROOF OF TOSS is getting its recognition from the audience that comes to know it, we feel that more effort should be made to bring the project before the eyes of a wider audience.

We have worked very hard on PROOF OF TOSS, the project was fully bootstrapped and we don’t want to compromise it due to minor issues that can be solved within a short period. So we have decided to put our token sale on halt and give ourselves some time to re-group, resolve outstanding issues and make the necessary improvements in our product and activities.

All those who have made a purchase will receive their ETH back within a week after the old smart contract closes.

According to our developers, the MVP will be finished in 2–4 weeks. We can showcase it now, but don’t want to rush and in order to make sure everything runs smoothly a series of tests must be carried out. Thus, we will present the MVP before we reboot the token sale, and our token holders will have a chance to try and test it as well as share their opinion as we make new updates.

We’re planning a series of announcements for the upcoming weeks that will prove that PROOF OF TOSS is a viable project with a solid use case model and a bright future ahead. We are keen to gather as much feedback from our community as possible, therefore if you have any input that you would like to share, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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