The project consists of two main components: protocol and White Label. Protocol is a set of solidity smart contracts working on the RSK blockchain that can be divided into four smart groups:

– “Token” — an ERC20 token, implementing several system functions: token blocking, sending tokens to transfer an additional data parameter and calling another smart contract code;

– “Main” — the main system smart contract, responsible for creating events, jackpots, or events distribution for judging.

– “Event” — the heart of the system, an event users can bet on.

– “RandomNumberGenerator” — a random number generator used to distribute events to be judged.

Table with a brief abstract description of the protocol API is provided in the Technical Paper. PROOF OF TOSS protocol includes several operation types:

  1. to create common and operator events;
  2. to publish the right event outcome, when the event’s finished;
  3. to give another smart contract the right to block tokens;
  4. to make a bet on an active event;
  5. to challenge the outcome of the event;
  6. to add a “seed” number for starting random number generation;
  7. to confirm a “seed” number for finishing a random number generation;
  8. to vote for an event outcome;

Have a closer look at our Technical Paper to learn more about PROOF OF TOSS project and it’s technical insights!

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An ecosystem for betting powered by the blockchain, serving both as a peer to peer platform and an open source solution for bookmakers.