Weekly Report #21–2017.12.03

Ashley Rolleston
Proof of Working
Published in
3 min readDec 16, 2017

City of Zion (CoZ) is a global community of open source enthusiasts, with the shared goal of helping NEO achieve its full potential. CoZ primarily operates through the community Slack and CoZ Github, central places where the community shares knowledge and contributes to projects.

CoZ is neither a corporation, nor a consulting firm or a devshop / for-hire group.


There is no formal process in joining CoZ. Interested individuals will have to do the work first, and the submitted code has to be licensed under the MIT License. Consistent contributors will become eligible to join the CoZ organization, and begin collaborating on projects. The governance process of this organization can be found here.


Since its inception, the CoZ Council has been in close contact with the NEO Council. The NEO Council provides support to the community, in the form of NEO rewards, which CoZ redistributes weekly.

For individuals who are interested in financially supporting CoZ development, our donation address is AXSoNQEKjmqPBNPg5cNrHyWivfjok3Vj9D.

For transparency, CoZ Council members are excluded from weekly NEO rewards, and any CoZ competitions. This week, 406 NEO were awarded for the following contributions to the NEO ecosystem.

Week in Review


Stack Exchange:

We need experienced Stack Exchange users (with more than 200 reputation) that want to be active in our community, to commit to the proposal. You can do so here.

0zone petition

Unfortunately Apple decided to remove the 0zone wallet from the App store. The 0zone wallet is a open source wallet developed by some of the most active members of CoZ, please help us bring it back by signing the petition.

The full history can be seen in this Steemit post.

Development Updates

Neo Java (neo-java):

  • Continued progress on full node Java port

Neo PHP (neo-php):


  • Many advancements with complete UI for this MetaMask inspired wallet browser extension.

Neo Python (neo-python):

  • Added example 3rd party app usage of neo-python at neo-faucet
  • Bug fixes in neo-boa
  • Added ability to give address aliases/names in wallet.
  • Updated functionality for invoke of mintTokens with NEP5 contracts.

Neo Javascript (neo-js):

  • Neo-js-vm development begins (0.6)
  • Implementation of wallet support using neon-js (0.6)
  • Asset support for local storage (0.6)
  • Misc code-base improvements

Neon Javascript SDK (neon-js):

  • Updates to token transfer methods
  • Bugfix in getTokenBalance
  • Documentation optimization and cleanup
  • Update CI workflow

Neon Wallet (neon-wallet):

  • Finish NEP5 support
  • Add send modal with percentage send selection
  • Add receive modal with QR code
  • Add support for private nets and addition of NEP5 tokens

Blockchain Explorer (neo-scan):

  • Chinese and Japanese Support
  • Small translation Fixes

Developer Portal(developer-portal):

  • Added messaging features
  • New templates
  • Started on implementing weekly reports

Docker Privatenet (neo-privatenet-docker):

  • Build options to specify the neo-cli that the nodes in private net use.

Neo Gui Redesign (neo-gui-wpf):

  • MVVM pattern implementation nearly completed
  • Unit tests for view models begun.
  • Xamarin forms under planning, a GUI that will also be mac/linux compatible.

See you all next week.

Follow CoZ on Twitter for the latest updates on CoZ development!

